How to Create a Great Business Team Around You and Your Website
It’s so important to have a great group of people around, as you launch your website and business. I know it can seem daunting juggling all the different elements. It’s something a lot of people struggle with. Often they feel as if they have to do everything themselves. Often because of the fear of asking for help.
How to Create a Great Business Team
Having a team doesn’t have to big and fancy. But it’s important to pick people you trust to give you an honest opinion. People who’s help/assistance/feedback you actually value and want. They also need to know (or be) your dream client. It’s great to show your friends and family what you are doing, but be careful who’s advice you actually take on-board. So look to your on-line accountability buddies, your coach or mentor. Find the people you can trust and not just blow smoke at ya.
How not to get advice
I’m in a number of FB groups (current count is around 44). These groups can be a wealth of support, information and advice. I often see people posting and asking “What do you think of ….”. Some of them have over 10,000 members. While some of your dream clients may hang out in these groups, there will be lots of people who are not. Whenever I see someone posting for other opinions, my first question back at them is “Who is your dream client?” Think about it. We all love giving our opinions. Whether you are an expert or not. Sometimes you are just repeating what you heard someone else say. But you don’t have any personal experience. Who’s advice do you want to take? If you want to do research calls or connect in fb groups, be ultra clear about who you are targeting.
I get it. I know this from my own experience. There are a number of different factors involved in putting post like that up. A large pool of knowledge and wisdom to utilise. Or is it? Validation. Lack of confidence. Fear. Self-Doubt. Not wanting to do the hard work. Confusion. Procrastination. And many more. But remember you are the boss now. You are the decision maker. You are the one in charge.
What would {Fill in the blank} do?
Decision making can be hard. That’s why not everyone does it. My secret trick is to identify with MY golden icon in that field. It could be Oprah, Taylor Swift, Tony Robbins. Whomever it is, think “How did they become the success they are today?” Why do you admire them? Then simply ask – What would Oprah do? I know I often find a new gem of thinking and action.
The most important thing
Notice how you are trying to outsource your decision making, about your business. Try to catch yourself when you find yourself repeating this pattern. The most important thing to remember as you create a great business team around you and your website. It WILL change and evolve over time. As you change as a person. As your products and services evolve. As your dream clients change. And that’s ok. The most important thing is to make a start and move forward.
If you are looking to create a new website and would like a FREE Strategic Website Consult Call here, schedule it here. Our calls are totally no-pressure. We are trying to help you solve problems in your business, not sell you stuff you don’t need.