10 Tips for Creating a Website to Attract Clients

10 Tips for Creating a Website to Attract Coaching Clients If you are a life coach, career coach, health coach, wellness coach, or marketing consultant that is looking for clients, then it is important to have a professional website. It’s one of the key factors that build trust with a potential client. When you are […]
7 Ways to Improve your Small Business Website

7 Ways to Improve your Small Business Website Small businesses live and die by the quality of their websites. If they look great, people will convert, and you make sales. If they look shoddy, you lose out to the competition. A lot of small companies, though, don’t understand what constitutes an outstanding online presence. Not to […]
How Design Impacts Your Website Conversions

How Design Impacts Your Website Conversions As we grow up, we are told never to judge a book by its cover. This rule doesn’t apply to your business or website, unfortunately. First impressions are absolutely everything, and the visual appeal of your website will determine whether your visitors instantly click away or convert into customers. […]
Custom Web Design Vs Website Templates: Which One is Best For A Small Business?

When creating a website for your small business, it’s a big decision. Let’s look at the differences to help you to make that decision.
How to Plan Your Website Design

How to plan your Website Design When people are starting to plan their websites, one of their main questions is: “What do I put on my website?” By this, they mean “What content goes on my website?” This is a super important question to ask. It’s all about planning your information for potential clients to […]
What you really need to think about when creating a website for your business

There are many different elements to creating a website for your business, but in today’s post I’m sharing my top 4 element you should focus on. After designing and creating numerous websites, I see a number of similarities. So I wanted to share my expertise.
What to do when the domain name you want has been taken?

You are a new business, a start-up, and finally you have the perfect name for your website domain. You’ve learnt how to register a domain name and gotten the courage to go ahead and get it … only to find that it’s already taken.
How do Domains, Hosting and Themes work together? A simple guide.

Let me guess, you have recently Googled questions like, ‘What is the difference between wordpress.com and wordpress.org?’ and ‘How do I buy a domain name?’. These are all very common questions asked when you are starting to put your website together. And it can feel overwhelming, confusing and like a cacophony of techie terms that make your headache.
Who would you recommend for WordPress Hosting and Why?

I see this question posted many times in the Facebook groups I am in. Let’s understand what prompts this question; questions to ask yourself before you post a familiar question; and some suggestions.
Which web platform to choose?

Which web platform to choose? Just starting out and unsure which web platform to choose? If you are new to the idea of having your own website, you may be wrestling with the idea of which one. There is a big choice out there. Hopefully, you will know why you need one, even when you have […]