A Branding Exercise : Putting on your ideal client shoes

We know that putting ourselves in other people’s shoes, seeing the world from their viewpoint, helps us to a good friend. Well, the same can be said for how you treat your customers. This powerful branding exercise is all about seeing the world from their view. To see the world in a slightly different way. Which will help you connect more with your ideal client.

Let’s take a walk on the client side

This exercise will help you understand your customers on a deeper level and give you valuable insight into their perspective when it comes to your business.

Obvs, I am assuming you are wanting to create a meaning connection with your customers. That when you go into a business fb group that you don’t just post’n’run. After all, branding is about creating a meaningful connection between your business and your customers.
So often as small business owners we are the business. People connect with us. We are the brand. And at the end of the day, your brand is the perception of your business in the minds of your customers. Let’s make those connections at a deeper level. Let’s stop and review to make sure you’re not missing anything important that would be of service to them. This exercise takes imagination, some quiet time and if it’s your thing, go ahead and light some candles for some atmosphere as well.

Get comfortable

I’m sure you will have some idea of what a dream client looks like for you. Go ahead and get comfortable. Close your eyes and bring that person to the front of your mind.

  • Imagine you are your ideal client, taking a walk outside. The sun is shining. You can hear the wind rustling the trees. You breathe in the view, as you walk along.
  • Where are you? In the city? By the beach? In the woods?
  • Start to notice more of your surroundings. Describe The Scene: (Give as much detail as possible.)
  • Start to wander into your ideal client mind. What worries or problems are playing on their mind
  • What mind-monkeys are filling their thoughts
  • What are the recurring issues and challenges?
  • Are these thoughts functional? Being organised, ways to save time, how to simplify their life, way to reduce risks?
  • Or Are these thoughts more emotional?
  • They want to reduce anxiety, improve their wellness, be recognised and appreciated more?
  • Now, imagine that they have a specific problem, need, or desire. One which you could offer to help them?
  • As a friend what guidance would you give? What questions would you ask?
  • Together to try and find support and solution for them.
    Do they pull out your phone and google it?
  • What words do they use?
  • Do they search for articles?
  • Do they check out a youtube video?
  • What makes them feel like this problem could be fixed?
  • Next, together you walk over to a shop that you’ve seen or that a friend has told you about?
  • What is it specifically that attracts you to that business compared to others that offer the same service?
  • Something catches your eye and draws you to it. What is it?
    Describe The Scene: (Give as much detail as possible.)
  • Your ideal client sees the perfect solution to their problem.
  • Do they just go and pick up the solution or are they hesitant?
  • Do they share any doubt or fears with you?
  • How do you help them feel at ease buying this solution?
  • Now picture them after they have bought it. Your ideal client is super happy and excited.
    What happened to make them feel that way?
  • What do they share with you about how the product or service?
  • What made them feel this great?
  • What wowed them?
  • What did they find the most useful?
  • Describe The Scene: (Give as much detail as possible.)
  • Now, imagine that you are out for lunch the next day with friends.
    What do you tell your friends about the experience?
  • What stands out in your memory?
  • Describe The Scene: (Give as much detail as possible.)
  • Take a couple of deep breathes. And return to feel grounded.

What did you discover?

Start to list out what came out of this exercise. Write down as much as you can.

I’m always surprised what comes up for clients when they do this exercise. It can be such an insightful tool to support your sales, marketing, and branding activities. The key is to see things from a different viewpoint. And to see yourself and what you offer as a good friend would.
By connecting, understanding, and empathising with our ideal client in that way, we can craft a great brand experience just for them. One which makes you stand out from the crowd and make a real connection.

Would you like to dive deeper into your brand? Then click here for a free 30 minute consult call.

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